A revolutionary cockroach from Mexico saves Earth from an impending apocalypse caused by climate change. Written for a wide audience, Cucaracha! is a feature-length computer-animated adventure/comedy in the world of DreamWorks/Pixar.
Star Wars meets Toy Story.
—Finalist, Stage 32 New Voices in Animation, 2023
—Quarterfinalist, BlueCat, Feature 2023
—Top 10%, Slamdance Screenplay Competition, 2022
—Quarterfinalist, Emerging Screenwriters, Action & Adventure, 2022
—Quarterfinalist, Creative Screenwriting, Unique Voices
Pig & Bear (pilot)
A sex-hungry pig and love-junkie bear navigate life in the Big Apple "one day at a time."
Fleabag meets Bojack Horseman.
—Top Three, ScreenCraft Pitch Week Spring 2023
—Quarterfinalist, Emerging Screenwriters, Comedy, 2022
Scooby-Doo and the Kindness of Ghosts
When Velma's tell-all book causes a years-long rift within Mystery Inc., only one extraordinary mystery can bring the gang back together.
Scooby-Doo and related characters are trademarks of Hanna-Barbera Productions, Inc.
The Rabbit Died Laughing
When Bugs Bunny goes missing, Daffy is suspected of "fowl play." Finding the famous rabbit not only uncovers the true culprit but threatens to upend the entire cartoon world. A look behind the laughs of the classic Looney Tunes characters reveals maybe, in fact, that's not all, folks.
Dear Batman
The Dark Knight has a pen pal with a gruesome signature. When Gotham's usual suspects are ruled out, Batman must delve deep into his past to uncover the true culprit. A dark comedy animated thriller that explores community, self-acceptance, and our undying love for heroes.
Based on the DC Comics Characters; Batman created by Bob Kane with Bill Finger.
DEVELOPMENTAL (short) - A day in the life of hapless actor, Tee Burrows, is a bad TV show that refuses to end.
DAMSELS - When an ailing King's gender-questioning son gets kidnapped by a lonely witch, his three daughters step up to save the day, bringing the entire kingdom out from the Dark Ages.
THANK YOU FOR HOLDING When call center co-workers, Garrett and Trish, get locked inside their office building overnight, they decide to take their relationship to the next level—the basement. Office comedy meets fucked-up fairy tale, Thank You for Holding is a bizarre, hilarious, and sinister call to connect.
- Finalist, Edith Wharton-Straw Dog Writers Guild Residency
MOOTZIE - In the far away food land of Vivanda, a seven year old boy made of 100% fresh mozzarella takes the adventure of a lifetime to rescue his parents from the cheese-gone-bad Boss Burratti and his Formaggiosso Gang. [Story by Philip & Tommy Heleringer.]